Can Your Family Sue for a Wrongful Death?


When a loved one passes away due to the reckless actions of others, our Tulsa wrongful death attorneys help you hold those at-fault accountable.

The loss of a loved one is always devastating, but it is particularly heartbreaking when it occurs in an untimely manner and due to the reckless actions of others involved. If the death was unintentional, the at-fault party may not even face criminal charges, but you can hold them accountable in a wrongful death claim. No amount of money can ease your grief at their passing, but filing a wrongful death lawsuit can provide a sense of justice while making sure you are provided for in a way your loved one would have wanted.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death in Tulsa

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), accidental injuries are the fourth leading cause of death in Oklahoma, claiming the lives of close to 3,000 people each year. In many cases, the reckless actions of others are to blame. Among the most common causes of wrongful death in Tulsa are the following:

  • Car, bicycle, and pedestrian accidents, which typically occur due to the dangerous driving of others, such as speeding, running red lights, and driving while distracted or under the influence.
  • Slips and falls or getting struck by or against objects, which often happen on other’s property due to their failure to provide proper maintenance or warn visitors of potential dangers;
  • Injuries due to sports and recreational accidents, which often occur due to the negligence of businesses and their employees in failing to take the proper safety precautions;
  • Injuries due to defective or dangerous products, in which manufacturers fail to provide proper warnings or pull dangerous products from shelves.

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Under the Oklahoma Statutes, a wrongful death is defined as one that occurs due to the intentional or unintentional negligence of others. While the person responsible may or may not face criminal charges for their role in your loved one’s passing, they can be held accountable in a civil claim. Those who may be entitled to file a wrongful death lawsuit include:

  • Spouses and domestic partners of the victim;
  • Their children and legal wards;
  • Their parents and legal guardians;
  • Grandparents and other blood relatives;
  • Their personal representative and others entitled to inherit from their estate.

A wrongful death lawsuit can compensate you for medical expenses, funeral expenses, and losses in income your loved one would have otherwise earned. It also provides compensation for pain, suffering, and loss of companionship. No amount of money can make up for your loss but filing a wrongful death claim can provide a sense of closure while helping your family recover.

Reach Out to Our Tulsa, OK Wrongful Death Attorneys

While you focus on grieving your loved one in the aftermath of a wrongful death, Boettcher, Devinney, Ingle & Wicker can focus on holding those at-fault accountable. Reach out and call 918-728-6500 or contact our Tulsa, OK wrongful death attorneys online to request a consultation today.

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